“Together, We Are Family”

If you watched the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Critical Care Building, you couldn’t help but notice how big a role “togetherness” played in the creation of the new building. Input came from not only the hospital staff, but from the families of patients, and the community. Support came from the many donors, including Kindervelt, and the area civic leaders.

In a thank you letter for Kindervelt’s May gift of $410,000 for the new Critical Care Building and the PICU, Michael Fisher President and CEO of CCHMC wrote:

“Thank you for choosing to invest in our exciting new Critical Care Building and create the Kindervelt Endowed Chair for Critical Medicine to provide and coordinate care for our pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Like most any family, the Cincinnati Children’s family takes care of one another. I am grateful for that. And I am especially grateful for Kindervelt’s commitment to that idea. Our patients, colleagues, and community all benefit.

Our new building, and the chair position, will serve kids and families for generations to come. Thanks for making that possible.”

Mark Jahnke, Chair, Cincinnati Children’s Board of Trustees wrote this thank you letter to Kindervelt:

On behalf of the Board, our team and all those we serve, thank you. I am grateful for our special partnership with Kindervelt and I am proud of all the good we do together. Kindervelt’s latest gift is no exception. An investment in our Critical Care Building and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) is an investment in our future. It is a big project that will result in big impact. Thank you for being a part of this important work. Most of all, thank you for caring for our kids and families with such passion and commitment.”

Over our fifty years we have received many such letters from past CCHMC Presidents and CEOs, Board of Trustee Chairs, and the many doctors and division chairs for the commitments we have supported. Our collaborative spirit has definitely made us better together, and together, we can change the outcome, and together we can make a difference.

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