Come together
and make a
difference in
children’s lives

Come together
and make a
difference in
children’s lives


Years of giving


Given in total


Focus Areas


Dedicated members

Supporting medical care for thousands of children

Kindervelt is the largest auxiliary of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and one of Greater Cincinnati’s outstanding volunteer organizations. Since its inception in 1971, Kindervelt has connected more than 600 members in regional groups, and has provided more than $20 million that contributed to the development of major medical breakthroughs and state-of-the-art care in critical care, trauma, asthma and adolescent medicine that has benefited the lives of thousands of children.

Have fun while raising funds

Kindervelt members believe in our motto “Together, we can make a difference”. We host three city-wide fundraisers each year: Kindervelt Fall Event, Kindervelt Krafts and Let the Good Times Bowl. Support the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and make lasting friendships in our tight-knit community!

Upcoming events

Kindervelt offers a variety of fun fund raising events throughout the year and across the city. All of the funds raised help make a difference helping children.

KV #56 Spring Fling Bunco

Bunco night at Wilder City Building. Appetizers and Desserts. 25.00 pre paid 30.00 at door. Reservations Venmo-@Kindervelt or send check to Kindervelt 56 61 Pleasant Ridge Fort Mitchell Ky 41017

Learn More »
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Daniel Starczynowski

Director of the Advanced Leukemia Therapies and Research Center

With Kindervelt’s generosity, the Advanced Leukemia Therapies and Research Center within the Cancer and Blood Diseases Institute at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital will be poised to drive groundbreaking innovations in leukemia research.

Your support will enable us to develop life-saving therapies and bring hope to children and families facing leukemia. We are deeply grateful for Kindervelt’s commitment to transforming lives here in Cincinnati and across the globe as we work toward curing childhood leukemia.

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