President’s Message – Summer 2021

Happy Summer!  How refreshing it is to once again be able to enjoy some fun summer activities like my favorites, attending baseball games and travelling! As a bonus we get to enjoy the Olympics too, which normally would not have been held during our 50th celebration year. I can’t help but make a Kindervelt connection with the iconic five rings…

Kindervelt Olympics
Celebrating Five Fabulous Decades
We are currently working on completing the 2020-2021 Annual Report and the 2021-2022 group officer directories in preparation for the first Leadership meeting on September 13th. Many groups have continued working through the summer planning new events, and our Citywide Event Chairs are fine tuning details for our big events. There is always something happening. We train just as hard as those Olympic athletes.

Tennis anyone? The Western and Southern Open is back and we need volunteers August 14-20 to work at the booths selling souvenirs and cups of ice. It’s always a fun time and a great way to raise funds for Kindervelt. There are lots of shifts to fill, so please click on the link in this newsletter to sign up today. Family and friends of Kindervelt are welcome to volunteer too!

Enjoy the rest of the summer. As always, thanks for all you do and for giving it your all just like the Olympians.

See you in September!

Katrina Smith
Kindervelt City President
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