President’s Message – March 2021

Only 19 more days until Spring, not that I’m counting or anything! Spirits are already lifting knowing the gray, dreary days are almost over. This time last year things were starting to get quite crazy. We’ve made it a year now with lots of changes, but our devotion to our cause has never faltered! The past month has been exciting working with the Nominating Committee creating a new slate of officers, seeing more project request forms being submitted, and having plans start to fall into place for the Annual Meeting and Fall Event with high hopes that both will be able to be held, with restrictions, “in person!’

This time of the year I would normally be congratulating our “Let the Good Times Bowl” citywide event chair, Andi Mapes on a job well done. Instead, I’m thanking her for agreeing to stay on as the chair for the event to be held in February of 2022.

I do want to extend my thanks to Kindervelt #50 for all the incredible time and effort they put toward organizing the event with Everything but The House. KV #50 is so appreciative of the support other groups provided. What a fun event! We will anxiously await the news of a fabulous profit.

Special thanks go to our guest columnists this month for helping with our 50th year celebration.  Don’t miss their articles highlighting Kindervelt’s first decade; what a fun way to reminisce or learn about our history!

Yours in “making a difference,”

Katrina Smith – Kindervelt City President
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