Kelly Bollinger, a new member to Kindervelt, is being spotlighted this month.
Kelly grew up on the west side of Cincinnati and attended Oak Hills High School. She then crossed the Mighty Ohio and received her BA degree at NKU in Justice Studies. Her career led her to a position with the Hamilton County Drug and Family Services Department where she worked for 15 years.
A career opportunity found Kelly at CCHMC working with the Development Office and Keith Henize. Her position includes Development, Community Outreach, the Gift shops, and Liaison with all the Hospital Auxiliaries. She has been with Children’s for 15 years now.
Kelly is married to husband Gary, and they are the proud parents of two daughters, Grace and Claire. Grace even got Kelly to appreciate college football! Like many busy women, Kelly helped coach soccer and supported her daughters’ school and community activities. She also is an avid FC Cincinnati Soccer fan. Go orange and blue! She now volunteers through the Hospital Ambassadors Program. Another fun fact is that Kelly and the Lunch Bunch group are doing the A-Z restaurant participation and enjoying new spots to eat! Tracy Smith asked her join some years back and the timing just wasn’t right until a few years later when Bonnie Hueneman asked her to join KV #68. The timing was right. She joined, loves crafting, and really jumped right into a volunteering role. She is co-chairing with Diana Peters the Silent Auction part of our Fall Event; MONTE CARLO NIGHT at the CLUB. Please be sure and contact Kelly for any Silent Auction donations and arrange for gift package drop-off in the next weeks!
Kelly has found working with the auxiliary groups (especially Kindervelt) to be the most fun! A favorite quote reminds her of something her grandmother always said, “If you can’t say anything nice, just don’t say it”. Thank you, Kelly, for being so nice and becoming part of Our Kindervelt Family of volunteers.
Submitted by :Sheila K. Horan KV #56