Debbie Zerhusen Linneman grew up in a large family in Northern Ky and attended Beechwood schools. After graduation she worked many years as a customer service manager at National UnderWriter and Credit Union. She is married to husband, Terry and just celebrated 44 years together. Their family has Jenny (daughter) and Patrick son in law, and two very active grandsons: Cameron and Clayton. Their angel son, Brian died just 2 days after his birth in 1982. He had a very rare condition involving a congenital Diaphragmic Hernia. Baby Brian was rushed to Children’s Hospital and had surgery within a few hours. And their grandson, Cameron was born 10 weeks premature weighing only 3lb. 5oz. He stayed in the NICU at Good Sam for 29 days.
Debbie was looking for a chance to support a local charity which worked with babies. As fate would have it, she was in a golf league with Libby Baker. Debbie was invited to attend our KV #56 meeting and see if she was able to join a group which helped raise funds for CCHMC. Since she was so familiar with Children’s, a perfect match was made and she jumped in 100%. With Debbie’s financial background, she has held the responsibility for all our fundraising endeavors. As KV #56 Treasurer, Debbie has been our money manager for yard sales, bake sales, product sales, silent auctions, craft sales, raffles and more!
She carried over her money finesse as Treasurer for City Board and Financial auditor. She has been treasurer for our Fall Event for many years and is CoChair of KV #56’s Silent Auction and Bunco. Speaking of Bunco, Debbie has stated that these events are her very favorite fun fundraisers. She solicits donations, manages reservations, greets our guests, and organizes our raffles, split the pot and gift bags! She feels that our very small group does a great job of presenting our Bunco parties. We have received so many positive responses and so many of our guests have been attending from our earliest years. Many of our guests have become more than friends over the years! And several support our other KV activities. A Bunco guest, Mari has just joined our KV #56 group!
Debbie’s outside interests include: attending archery, baseball and football events for both grandsons and gardening with their vegetables and flowers. She enjoyed golf and now really enjoys her trips to Florida and relaxing with their boat on area waterways.
Thank you, Debbie for 25 plus years as a Kindervelt member and making sure our events run smoothly. We know and trust that our funds are always in “good hands”. As Mother Teresa says, “The Greatest Good is what We Do for One Another”.
Submitted by Sheila K. Horan