May 2020 President’s Message

I can’t believe its May of 2020! These are my final days as Kindervelt’s Citywide President. It has been a most rewarding two years for me serving as President, and I know Katrina will do a fantastic job as our incoming leader. I will support her in her quest to keep Kindervelt of Cincinnati Children’s the powerhouse nonprofit that it is.

Sue Crosby and her committee have been actively planning our Annual Meeting. Things are going to be different this year since we are following the Governor’s stay-at-home rules. Some of the agenda (voting on new board) will be done through Constant Contact. The check presentation and announcing the new division are being planned right now. As soon as we get the hospital’s approval and Dr. Sorters’ availability, we will let you know. The presentation of the Barbara Fitch Award and the recognition of our 10-, 20-, 30- & 40-year members will take place at a later time. Please trust me that these fabulous women will get the honor they deserve!

Thank you ALL so much for the support you have shown to me throughout my term as President. I truly could not have done this without the guidance and encouragement of the Board of Trustees, Keith, Kelly, the Development office, and the members of Kindervelt. A special thank you to my family and my group #68 for their love and support which has been engraved on my heart!

In closing, I would like to quote Helen Keller: “Alone we can do so little: together we can do so much.” Thank you for being a part of Kindervelt and working together through this difficult time. Our motto, “Together We Can Make a Difference,” shines brightly through ALL of you! We have made a difference with our support of KV PEACe.

Stay Safe & Much Love,

Bonnie Hueneman, Kindervelt President

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