KV #16 March Madness Fundraiser

Eagles St. Bernard 4815 Tower Ave, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Join KV #16 for their March Madness watch party on April 5th at St. Bernard Eagles. It will be a fun evening of basketball, games, prizes, raffle baskets and more […]

KV #50 Kindervelt Fifty Fest 2025

Little Miami Brewing Company 208 Mill Street, Milford, OH, United States

Kindervelt Fifty Fest celebrates Cincinnati's German history with a fun, casual Biergarten theme. An evening of craft beer, delicious food, live music, dancing, and great company.

KV #56 Spring Fling Bunco

Wilder City Building 520 Licking Pike, Wilder, KY, United States

Bunco night at Wilder City Building. Appetizers and Desserts. 25.00 pre paid 30.00 at door. Reservations Venmo-@Kindervelt or send check to Kindervelt 56 61 Pleasant Ridge Fort Mitchell Ky 41017

KV #68 Tee off for the Kids Annual Golf Outing

Aston Oaks Golf Club 1 Aston Oaks Dr., North Bend, OH, United States

Join KV #68 for their annual golf outing at Aston Oaks Golf Club. In addition to a great day of golf, event includes games for Ladies Longest Drive, Men's Longest […]