“Together, We Are Family”
If you watched the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Critical Care Building, you couldn’t help but notice how big a role “togetherness” played in the creation of the new […]
The KV – CCHMC Connection, Together We Can Make a Difference
by, Nancy Groves VanBuskirk When we think of our connection with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center we automatically think of the Divisions we have supported. But we have a deep […]
The Founders’ Vision of Kindervelt – An Interesting Look at Our Beginnings
This excerpt is taken from an article written for perhaps a brochure or publication about Kindervelt in 1971-1972. I found it to be very interesting and wanted to share some […]
Kindervelt in the 2010’s Embracing Social Media Platform
by Nancy groves VanBuskirk Before I begin my article on the 2010s, I need to acknowledge that Kindervelt was created 50 years ago this month, in July of 1971, when […]
Kindervelt 2010 to Now
By, Claire Kupferle KV#3 Kindervelt has experienced a rapid rate of change in the past decade, as have many of its members! As technology expanded its influence on modern lifestyles, […]
“Hearts Filled with Hope” Kindervelt in the early 2000’s
by Nancy Groves Van-Buskirk #29 “Hearts Filled with Hope” was the theme of the 2001 KinderKlaus Markt. Sheila Maxwell, 2001 Kinderklaus Markt Chair chose that as her Markt theme in […]
A Look Back – Kindervelt in the New Millennium
by Claire Kupferle #3 Moving into the 21st century, the organization faced a shift in the pattern of volunteering, with active neighborhood groups dropping from a high of 72 in […]
Kindervelt Events in the 1990’s
By Nancy Groves-VanBuskirk #29 This was another amazing decade for Kindervelt. It was a decade in which we had our 2 biggest donations ever – $600,000 in 1992 and $610,000 in 1994. Although membership […]
A Look Back, the 90’s
by Claire Kupferle #3 The decade of the 1990s was a time of explosive growth in the internet and computer technology. Google was founded, the iMac was unveiled by Apple […]
Kindervelt in the 80’s, The World Skating Championships
by Nancy Groves-VanBuskirk #29 “When 2000 women came together to create a lot of positive energy.” Karen Hadden KV City President 1982-1984 The decade got off to a whopping start with […]